The Comfy Cup Chronicle Part 1: Transforming a Problem into a Solution
"Stop talking about your problems and start thinking about solutions."
After several enjoyable baseball seasons watching my son, Kyler, play t-ball, coach pitch baseball, and the beloved fast paced fun-filled game of machine pitch baseball, my son's baseball team transitioned to kid pitch. r e m e n d o u s l y...and the pitches got WiLD! Kyler's coach started requiring all kids on his team to wear a protective athletic cup to all games and practices to protect their "peanuts".
In our household this incited a regular riot against wearing the dreaded hard plastic athletic cup.

(It didn't help the situation that mom put the cup in upside-down the first game--note to mom's: the skinny end points down). Once we figured out how to wear the athletic cup correctly, things were not much better. Kyler still complained. So, we tried practically every different athletic cup available on Amazon and at our local sporting goods stores, but were not able to find one that Kyler felt was comfortable enough to wear.
Kyler: "I am not wearing that hard cup!"
Kyler's dad/assistant coach: "Then you can't play baseball."
Kyler: "FINE. I don't want to play baseball if I have to wear this stupid thing!"
After weeks of whining, we finally told Kyler, "If you don't like something (namely the athletic cup) quit complaining about it and come up with a solution!"