The Comfy Cup Chronicle Part 7: How The Comfy Cup Got It's Name.In order to add a trademark symbol to the product, it needed a name and a logo. We tossed around quite a few ideas for product names (and...
The Comfy Cup Chronicle Part 6: To Patent or Not to Patent? That Is the Question.As the reality of mass production hit, we consulted a patent attorney, Denise Mashburn, a cousin to our neighbor, Christy, to make sure ...
The Comfy Cup Chronicle Part 5: The Evolution of the Comfy Cup“If you’re not embarrassed by the first version of your product, you’ve launched too late.” – Reid Hoffman, co-founder of LinkedIn. Kyler...
The Comfy Cup Chronicle Part 4: Don't Be Afraid to Ask for Help. How We Found a Factory to Man"If the original plan doesn't work, change the plan, but never the goal." As luck would have it, my cousin's father-in-law, Tony, owns a...
The Comfy Cup Chronicle Part 3: Hey, Can Your Mom Make Me a Comfortable Cup Too? The Product DevelopKid inventor seeks help for product development.
The Comfy Cup™ Chronicle Part 2: Creating a Solution, a Comfortable Athletic CupWe taught our son to approach challenges as opportunities for solutions.
The Comfy Cup Chronicle Part 1: Transforming a Problem into a SolutionAfter several enjoyable baseball seasons watching t-ball, coach pitch, and the beloved machine pitch, my son's baseball team transitione